Big sis feeding the little one.
Our boy is growing!
I discovered he is cutting his first tooth today. We knew he was teething as he's been drooling buckets for a while now, and trying to gum everything he can get his little hands on. His bottom right front tooth is coming in.
He also had his first rice cereal this past Monday. I was trying to wait until he reached the official 6 month mark, but he was lurching toward everything we were eating, so we figured it was time. At nursery school this week he was being fed cereal when another baby crawled over and knocked David's bowl of cereal over. The teachers told us they'd never heard such a fuss from a baby as they did when David got upset over his spilled cereal.
He's also trying to crawl- before he's sitting up yet! He'll turn over onto his belly, bring his knees forward so he's propped up a bit, scoot himself forward by pulling with his arms, then repeat the process. He's going after all sorts of good stuff- balls, his teething toys, his little mouse lovey that Gaby sent him from Germany.
He's our little angel baby.
Also overheard in the car earlier today...
A conversation between two barbie dolls-
Pink Barbie- "Hey, those are my shoes. Give them back."
Blue Barbie- "Okay. Wait, wait. I have to trick-or-treat first."
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