Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It must be genetic...

I've been regaled many times about stories of Chris & Jeannine stuffing toys down Tim's diaper when he was a baby. Sunday morning Magnolia, David & I were playing in the den while Chris slept in a bit. I stepped out of the room for a moment and when I returned David had a full outfit... full of balls. Magnolia had stuffed the back of his onsie with toy plastic balls while he was creeping around on his belly. He didn't seem to mind and she was quite tickled by herself. Too funny.
Today he had his first taste of carrots. He took right to them. In a few days... sweet potatoes!
He is skipping completely that wonderful baby-Buddha stage where they can sit up, but stay where you put them because they can't crawl yet. I was quite fond of that stage in Magnolia's babyhood. David is now traversing entire rooms by creeping along on his belly (he tucks his knees underneath him, stretches his arms out and pulling himself forward, then repeating as neccessary to get to whatever object he is after). He's not sitting up yet on his own. So I'm expecting that by the time he is sitting up, he'll be even more mobile. *sigh* Time is flying so fast!

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