Cutems peeking over his pop's shoulder.
The 3 Muskateers frolicking along the shoreline.
We returned today from a week's vacation at the beach. We had a lovely time and it was as relaxing as can be expected with a 3 year old and a 5 month old. Our friends the Atwoods joined us and Magnolia was in heaven (most of the time) playing with Lily & Eli. We rented a cute little house with a pool and only a short walk to either the Gulf side or bay side of the island. The pool was key as I think our kids grew gills given the amount of time that was spent playing in the water. One of my favorite moments was listening to Eli's recipe for ocean water- "You make it with water and tea and soda and juice." Too cute.
We spent the mornings hanging out, then usually wandered to the bay side of the island for a while, then back to the house for time in the pool, then time inside when the sun was really strong. Supper was usually a grilling affair. Then we'd wander over to the Gulf side of the island to watch the sunset.
Chris & Ryan convened daily beneath the mango tree in the backyard. Pat & Melissa came over a couple times and Pat would then join the mens convention outside. They have an adorable 4 month old girl, Maddie. It was amazing to see how big David is in comparison. He's doing this really cute thing now where he'll grab your face and lean in for open-mouthed baby kisses.
Toys were strewn hither and yon. There were probably a few left behind, despite looking under beds and couches.
Alison and I mangaged to sneak off every once in a while, too.
And despite good efforts with the sunscreen, Magnolia still came home with deepened tan lines...
We had a great time, and now it's nice to be home again.
Sorry this is so disjointed, but it's late and I'm tired.
1 comment:
It was nice meeting you at the beach. Had it not been for Amelia's arm, we would have stayed for much more water play. I guess it is good I didn't give in to Amelia about getting in the pool since her arm did end up being broken! Anyway, nice meeting you and your family. I must say you have the most content baby I have ever seen.
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