Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So I've been drowning in paperwork lately.
Getting everything together to have my prescribing license switched over to the post office (finally mailed off, yea!). Signing new contracts and getting them mailed off. Slogging through the paperwork to get recredentialed at the hospital (still working on that one).
And trying to buy life insurance. That's been the biggest headache. I just got off the phone from the 'interview' with Prudential. I now have a headache. Luckily the kids were down for a nap, or I would have lost my mind for sure with this one. I have no idea why it would be worth knowing that I had a UTI in the past, and certainly wouldn't think it neccessary to to know the month and year of the occurrence! Hopefully they'll deign to allow me to purchase the insurance regardless. Yeesh.
Other than this phone-call-from-Hades, the day has been lovely. Magnolia wanted to stay home with me today. So she, David & I have been mostly hanging around the house, with a short trip up to the UF Infirmary for me to pick up some paperwork I'd left there. Nolia preened as everyone told her how lovely she looked in her "church dress" (the dark blue satin one that she begged to wear- the girl loves to dress up, and likely figured she'd be getting the compliments!). And David was his usual angel baby self.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It must be genetic...

I've been regaled many times about stories of Chris & Jeannine stuffing toys down Tim's diaper when he was a baby. Sunday morning Magnolia, David & I were playing in the den while Chris slept in a bit. I stepped out of the room for a moment and when I returned David had a full outfit... full of balls. Magnolia had stuffed the back of his onsie with toy plastic balls while he was creeping around on his belly. He didn't seem to mind and she was quite tickled by herself. Too funny.
Today he had his first taste of carrots. He took right to them. In a few days... sweet potatoes!
He is skipping completely that wonderful baby-Buddha stage where they can sit up, but stay where you put them because they can't crawl yet. I was quite fond of that stage in Magnolia's babyhood. David is now traversing entire rooms by creeping along on his belly (he tucks his knees underneath him, stretches his arms out and pulling himself forward, then repeating as neccessary to get to whatever object he is after). He's not sitting up yet on his own. So I'm expecting that by the time he is sitting up, he'll be even more mobile. *sigh* Time is flying so fast!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lots of Firsts for Baby

Big sis feeding the little one.

Our boy is growing!

I discovered he is cutting his first tooth today. We knew he was teething as he's been drooling buckets for a while now, and trying to gum everything he can get his little hands on. His bottom right front tooth is coming in.

He also had his first rice cereal this past Monday. I was trying to wait until he reached the official 6 month mark, but he was lurching toward everything we were eating, so we figured it was time. At nursery school this week he was being fed cereal when another baby crawled over and knocked David's bowl of cereal over. The teachers told us they'd never heard such a fuss from a baby as they did when David got upset over his spilled cereal.

He's also trying to crawl- before he's sitting up yet! He'll turn over onto his belly, bring his knees forward so he's propped up a bit, scoot himself forward by pulling with his arms, then repeat the process. He's going after all sorts of good stuff- balls, his teething toys, his little mouse lovey that Gaby sent him from Germany.

He's our little angel baby.

Also overheard in the car earlier today...
A conversation between two barbie dolls-
Pink Barbie- "Hey, those are my shoes. Give them back."
Blue Barbie- "Okay. Wait, wait. I have to trick-or-treat first."

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ahhh... the beach

Cutems peeking over his pop's shoulder.

The 3 Muskateers frolicking along the shoreline.

We returned today from a week's vacation at the beach. We had a lovely time and it was as relaxing as can be expected with a 3 year old and a 5 month old. Our friends the Atwoods joined us and Magnolia was in heaven (most of the time) playing with Lily & Eli. We rented a cute little house with a pool and only a short walk to either the Gulf side or bay side of the island. The pool was key as I think our kids grew gills given the amount of time that was spent playing in the water. One of my favorite moments was listening to Eli's recipe for ocean water- "You make it with water and tea and soda and juice." Too cute.
We spent the mornings hanging out, then usually wandered to the bay side of the island for a while, then back to the house for time in the pool, then time inside when the sun was really strong. Supper was usually a grilling affair. Then we'd wander over to the Gulf side of the island to watch the sunset.
Chris & Ryan convened daily beneath the mango tree in the backyard. Pat & Melissa came over a couple times and Pat would then join the mens convention outside. They have an adorable 4 month old girl, Maddie. It was amazing to see how big David is in comparison. He's doing this really cute thing now where he'll grab your face and lean in for open-mouthed baby kisses.
Toys were strewn hither and yon. There were probably a few left behind, despite looking under beds and couches.
Alison and I mangaged to sneak off every once in a while, too.
And despite good efforts with the sunscreen, Magnolia still came home with deepened tan lines...
We had a great time, and now it's nice to be home again.
Sorry this is so disjointed, but it's late and I'm tired.