This past week of Halloween activities has been lots of fun.
Monday night I took Nolia to a party at one of UF's housing buildings. Still not sure if it was officially open to the public... but it was really neat with lots of games to play and a Haunted House. Nolia became quite the pro at the walk-around-the-chairs-to-music-game. And she was very excited about the Haunted House. She was very brave and made it through the entire thing without being freaked out. She told me afterwards she was "only a little bit" scared. For full disclosure, I did carry her throughout the whole thing, and kept whispering to her that it was just pretend. I was still very impressed with her. And no nightmares since, so I guess I've got a bit of a thrill-seeker on my hands (not something to be looked forward to come time she's a teenager...).
Wednesday at school Magnolia was distraught as we'd forgotten to send her Halloween costume and she was supposed to dress up for her ballet class. Luckily, Chris swooped in and saved the day. He said her face just lit up when she saw him arrive with her Gator cheerleader outfit.
Wendesday night we all went to the Halloween party, trunk-or-treating event at our church. They fed us dinner, had a little costume parade (v. cute), and had lots of games, a bounce-house and a cake-walk. Sadly, there was only one car there to do the trunk-or-treat thing. I suggested to Chris maybe we could try and participate next year, so maybe there'll be at least 2 cars then!
Thursday night we met Jennifer & Claire at the Ghouls, Goblins & Greeks event on Sorority Row. The different sororities went all out and Magnolia and Claire had a blast.
Friday night I took the kiddies over to the Denny's house for trick-or-treat festivities. John set up a table and chairs in their driveway. Kids dropped by for candy and adults stayed a spell for the "parent punch". Christine and I took Nolia, Ella, and David around the neighborhood. It was a very relaxing Halloween- luckily, as I was pretty darn tired from all the previous activities.
Happy belated birthday, Alison!
And welcome back to blogging, Joy!
What boooootiful children! Nolia makes the most gorgeous cheerleader! The bow is perfect. I laugh a little at the cheerleader in her as you were rebellious to this sort of "main stream" thing in your teen years:):)
Yup. I was much more into the "individual" thing then. Now I'm in my 30s with a husband, mortgage, profession & two kiddies. Pretty main-stream, eh?
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