Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hello, David!

Darling baby boy! Born 2/21/08 weighing 8 lbs, 13 ounces. We are thrilled (I believe Chris' exact words were "woo-hoo!"when Dr. M lifted David up from behind the drape). Magnolia is a great big sister and enjoys "playing" with him (sometimes too exuberantly). She is frequently asking, "Can I see his head?" and wants us to hold David at her eye level so she can pat him. She'll tell anyone that asks that "he doesn't cry TOO much". And considering she's only asked when the baby is "going back" once (when he was wailing with misery in his car seat all the way across town and nearly across the prairie), we think she's adjusted well from being a singleton child to a life of sisterhood.

1 comment:

Gaby said...

SO I am the first one -ey? Just wanted to let you know that I am soo glad, that everybody in your family is adjusting so well to the new arrivial. Can't be better, can it? Love Gaby