Sunday, July 27, 2008

Oh, my

As Gregg, Cathy, Chris & I were sitting at the dining table this evening, Magnolia wanted to play "driving". This involved baby boy being placed in his carseat on the floor with Nolia sitting in one of her little chairs beside him. She "drives" the bus and asks Chris (the policeman) for directions to the bus stop. After thanking him for his help, her bus pulls out and "eerrrk" she has an "akident". "Are you okay?" asks Chris-the-policeman. "No" she says, "I need a drink".

1 comment:

The Colbert Crew said...

Too cute..... I love to read about your family. I have a blog ,but I don't know how easy it is to get too,because I made it private. We are off to San Fran tomorrow at 6:00 am.....Dana